Coping with Grief During the Holidays

The holidays can be a somber time for many as it reminds us of those who have died. It’s usually the small things that hit the hardest. A song that plays on the radio. Cravings for that special holiday dish. Certain smells. Empty chairs. We can be surrounded by...

Simple Steps for Surviving the Holidays

For a great many people, the falling leaves and cooler temperatures are a sure sign that the holidays are on the way.   This time of year can be marked by a great deal of stress and depression for a great many people, no matter which holidays you celebrate.  Whether...

‘Tis the Season

The anticipation for the upcoming holiday season will be unlike any other season most have ever known. Last year, most opted for virtual family visits, which for many families came at a good time, as the pending election, civil unrest and what side of the matter...

OCD and Children

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is more than just handwashing, neatness, and rigid behaviors. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a complex anxiety disorder, characterized by obsessions which are unwanted and persistent thoughts, and compulsions which are repetitive...

Managing Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are one of the most pervasive and debilitating illnesses in these stressful times. Our anxiety continues to be fueled by the modern-day stressors. These stressors include the changes in our world which have been a direct result of CoVid 19. Cognitive...

Relationships and Rejection

Often we find ourselves feeling rejected by others, whether real or perceived, and contend with an inner voice which emphasizes a need for complete acceptance by others.  We all wish to be admired, agreed with, accepted.  It can be difficult when our thoughts or...

Just Visiting

Emotions don’t have brains, and they certainly don’t come with remote controls.  If we are being honest, I think we can all identify difficult and uncomfortable emotions we would skip if it were possible.  Unfortunately emotions can be like uninvited houseguests, they...

No-Mystery Meditation

Why meditation? Many people use it as a way to reduce stress, anxiety, depression or pain, and increase peace of mind. Although the practice of regular meditation is ancient, research into its potential health benefits is relatively new. Meditating regularly is...