Common Physiological and Psychological Indicators of Stress
Physical Problems that may be caused by stress in your life:
- Muscle tension–neck, back, legs, etc.
- Shaking, trembling, spasms
- Headache–tension/migraine
- Enuresis and encopresis
- Digestion–nausea, acid, ulcers, gas, gurgling, cramps, pains
- Eating–compulsive, tasteless, loss of appetite
- Elimination–diarrhea, constipation
- Sleep problems–insomnia, early awakening, fitful, nightmares, excessive sleep
- Pain–backache, pain of shoulders and arms
- Teeth grinding/jaw aching
- Excessive sweating–palms, body
- Heart problems–palpitations, rapid, variable heartbeat, chest pain
- Breathing–difficulty catching breath, deep sighs, chest pain
- High blood pressure
- Skin eruptions–rash, hives, itching, excema patches
- Sexual difficulties–impotence, low libido (desire), non-orgasmic
- Absence of menstrual period

Psychological Problems that may be caused by stress in your life:
- Depression, pessimism, distress and melancholic feelings, lack of caring
- Irritability, hyperactivity, pacing, impatience, restlessness
- Anger, table-pounding
- Nervous mannerisms, tics, facial, finger tapping, drumming
- Speech difficulties–stuttering, stammering, halting
- Tiredness–boredom, low energy state, inefficiency, fatigue
- Lack of concentration, loss of memory, confusion, disorganization
- Passivity, lack of assertiveness
- Difficulty making decisions, immobility
- Being late, being too early (being on time)
- Self-consciousness, constant awareness of others’ responses or reactions
- Rigidity, inability to change or be flexible.
- Feeling overwhelmed, not in control.
- Unproductiveness, impaired performance, reduced problem solving ability