
Have you ever noticed that when you are doing familiar or repetitive tasks, like driving a car or cleaning, that your mind is often miles away thinking about something else? You may be thinking about work, bills, an upcoming vacation or event or simply daydreaming....

A Perspective on Mental Health

What does it mean to be mentally healthy? There are as many ways to define mental health as there are people attempting to proffer a definition. Among mental health professionals, mental health is synonymous with well-being, the state of being healthy and happy. The...

Promoting Relaxation through Melody

In the battle against stress and anxiety, there are a number of great tricks and skills that can be used to help us feel safer and more comfortable.  While many may immediately come to mind (breathing, exercise, a good night’s sleep, etc.), the use of music as a...

Preventative Couple’s Therapy

Preventative Couple’s Therapy   Thinking about couple’s therapy can be a very nerve wrecking experience and can cause great anxiety for some individuals. Often times when we hear our loved ones or friends are attending couple’s therapy we automatically assume...

Self-talk & Compassion: Part 2

Self-talk & Compassion:  Part 2   “ ‘The Chinese believe that before you can conquer a beast you first must make it beautiful.’ “ – Kay Redfield Jamison, author of The Unquiet Mind I always tell my clients that before we can change our self-talk, we...

Self-talk & Compassion: Part 1

Self-talk & Compassion: Part 1   I often ask my clients this question:  “Would you talk to your friends the same way you talk to yourself?”  Needless to say, they typically look back at me with a slightly stunned, even shocked expression, guilt strewn across...

Creating a Positive Narrative for Your Child

Creating a Positive Narrative for your Child   Everybody knows that parenting comes with many struggles. Sleepless nights, worry, big decisions, and managing problematic behaviors are just a few among the laundry list of things that parents deal with. If you have...

Feeding Positivity

The Story of Two Wolves An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt,...

Understanding Attachment

John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth’s groundbreaking research gave us an insight into human attachment, how it is developed, how it is injured, and how childhood attachment impacts our adult relationships. But what is attachment? Bowlby defined attachment as a “lasting...

The Importance of Self-Care in Stress Reduction

You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” -Eleanor Brown.   What does “self-care” mean to you? Does it mean getting a massage? Going for a walk? Taking in a movie with friends or your significant other? Journaling about your experiences and reflections throughout...