Premarital Couples Therapy

Premarital couples therapy can be a vital part of marital health and satisfaction, but often times is underutilized. There is a common misconception and stigma associated with couples therapy that the relationship needs to be in distress in order to warrant couples...

The Power in Surrender

  The Power in Surrender For many of us control is a common theme in our lives, whether we recognize it or not.  Life becomes this juggling act of tasks, people, feelings and thoughts as we strive to exert control in various ways in our lives.  For some, this...

Childhood Trauma

    When talking about trauma or PTSD it is easy to conjure up an image of a soldier returning from war, but did you know that childhood trauma is one of the biggest epidemics facing Americans today?   Statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental...

Deep Sighing

Deep Sighing When stressed, people are often told to breathe deeply. When I have suggested this to my clients, they often say to me that they do it and it doesn’t work. Maybe it isn’t the magic pill we are all still looking for (including myself), but a solid...

When Actions Speak

  When Actions Speak   It is not uncommon to consider our actions with respect to others.  Sometimes this looks like a willingness to do for others, to go above and beyond for the sake of a relationship.  Sometimes this means much thought and effort put into...

Positive self-talk

We all talk to ourselves, believe it or not you’re probably talking to yourself right now. It’s called self-talk. Self-talk is your inner voice of the thoughts that we normally don’t say aloud, but when that self-talk spills out, it can have a big...

How to Start a Difficult Task

HOW TO START A DIFFICULT TASK   When you have difficulty starting a task, large or small, follow these steps: 1. Give yourself 5 minutes to start working on the task. Set a timer on your phone (or an alarm clock) for 5 minutes.  You will allow yourself 5 minutes...

When Self-Care is Doing the Dishes

When Self-Care is Doing the Dishes   When the words self-care are spoken, visions of things like bubble baths, chocolate cake, and massages come to mind.  Self-care has become to many this fantasy of self-indulgence, a “get out of chore free” card that justifies...

Anger Management

Anger is a normal human emotion, but losing control with hostility and rage can endanger yourself and others. This type of anger can be extremely unhealthy and might cause some detrimental consequences, for example, physical health problems, legal entanglements and...