by | Feb 3, 2016 | Uncategorized
Stages of ChangeHuman beings are generally resistant to change and will repeat familiar behaviors even when they are no longer beneficial and even harmful. However, human beings are also very adaptable so we can change if we put our minds to it. Psychologists Carlo...
by | Dec 29, 2015 | Uncategorized
Now that Christmas has ended, it’s time to prepare for a healthier and prosperous New Year! This is the time to get your finances in order as well as your health. I usually set aside some time to reflect on the past year and hope to see a better one for the future....
by | Dec 14, 2015 | Uncategorized
The practice of yoga has endured for thousands of years and is noted primarily for its ability to increase bodily flexibility and focused awareness. This focused awareness, achieved through breath work and bodily attunement, is a form of mindfulness. Mindfulness is...
by | Dec 7, 2015 | Uncategorized
‘Tis the Season…for joy, happiness, and time spent with friends and family. ‘Tis also the season for stress, anxiety, loneliness, and exhaustion. While we are excited about the holidays, and may often look forward to the season, we also are overwhelmed by the...
by | Nov 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
For a great many people, the falling leaves and cooler temperatures are a sure sign that the holidays are on the way. This time of year can be marked by a great deal of stress and depression for a great many people, no matter holidays you celebrate....
by | Nov 4, 2015 | Uncategorized
There are always situations in which there are many potential responses. Often times, one may be uncertain how best to proceed, uncertain which response will deliver the most desirable outcome. Sometimes we evaluate a situation based on what we would like to...
by | Oct 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
On the anniversary of a loss or traumatic event, thoughts and feelings about the experience may be reactivated, with a resulting increase in symptoms of anxiety, grief or depression. People are likely to remember the event more clearly and experience the associated...
by | Sep 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
As the final weeks of September creep in, the weather has begun to cool off. With the cooling temperatures comes the sure sign that fall is not far behind: falling leaves, football, hoodies, and pumpkin spice lattes. For those who enjoy the fall season,...
by | Sep 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
The clever ways that life lessons are imparted in parables can make the consideration of their complex meanings an enjoyable, if not absorbing, pasttime. While browsing various media sources, I have often come across this Cherokee parable. Its application to the basic...
by | Aug 27, 2015 | Uncategorized
Have you ever noticed that when you’re trying to hurry up with something, it often takes longer to accomplish? You overslept and had to rush through the morning routine to get to work or the kids to school, and you can’t find your keys. You can find a million shoes,...