Are You a Perfectionist?

Are you  a perfectionist?  This is a question that I often ask my clients.  As a therapist it is not uncommon to have a client present with perfectionistic tendencies. In fact, perfectionism can be a strong factor in anxiety and depression. Having...

Guide to communication with family

One key element of a healthy family relationship is communication. The quality of great human relationships largely depends on how we talk to one another.  Our tone of voice, cadence and volume, non-verbal gestures and motives are important aspects that we are often...

What to Expect from Psychotherapy: The Initial Session

When you go to a physician, you probably know what to expect: your vital signs will be taken by a nurse, you will wait on the exam table, perhaps changing into a gown, and then the doctor will come in, ask you questions about your health, and physically examine you....

The Importance of Positive Support in Coping with Stress

For many people battling with stress, the fight can often feel like a very lonely struggle.  The anxiety and depression that result from struggles at work and in our personal life cause us to feel isolated from others and forget that there are people around us...

Do you have low self- esteem?

Have you ever avoided certain situations and experiences due to fear of what people may think of you? Or does the thought of what other people think of you send you into a flood of anxious thoughts? If either of those questions are a yes for you, you may have low...

The Platinum Rule to Reduce Stress

The Golden Rule- We all know it. Most of us have grown up with it. “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Or, more commonly, “Treat others how you want to be treated”. It’s a pretty simple concept. If you want to be loved, love others. If you want to...

Disagree Better: Avoiding Conflict to Reduce Stress

Some of the most common causes of stress living in a social world are the disagreements that we can have with others throughout the day.  Whether it is with a spouse, a coworker, a family member, or a child, disagreements are a natural part of communicating our...


Why Are We So Stressed Out?Stress usually occurs when we are feeling overwhelmed by problems. It causes us to constantly worry about problems that we feel are not resolvable. For instance, we tend to focus on what we do not have, which causes us to overlook what we do...

Lessons From the Blue Zone for Longevity and Happiness

Blue zones describe areas in the world where most inhabitants live to be 100 years and older. There are five blue zones in the world: Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece. In addition to being centenarians, people...