Anger is a normal human emotion, but losing control with hostility and rage can endanger yourself and others. This type of anger can be extremely unhealthy and might cause some detrimental consequences, for example, physical health problems, legal entanglements and broken relationships. Below you will find some helpful tips to diffuse anger:

* Recognize that you are angry
* Identify the source of your anger
* Try to understand why you are angry
* Cope with your angry emotions realistically (choose your battle, stick to the point, write it out, talk friend, take a time out, define the problem, list possible solutions and cool off first)
* Sit quietly and collect your thoughts
* Hit a pillow or punching bag
* Journal write or write a letter you don’t send
* Take several deep breaths, holding each one for 7 seconds and exhaling slowly for 8 seconds
* Exercise
* Count to 50, 100, 150… whatever it takes
* Splash cold water on face
* Vent to a friend, loved one or call a hotline
* Use humor or watch a funny movie
* Color, draw or paint
* Try to view things from the other persons perspective
* Try visualization and guided imagery to help you calm down
* Use a calming app on your phone or watch a relaxation video on Youtube
* Listen to music
* Use positive self-talk (I am calm, I am in control of my actions, I can manage my anger…)
* Feel the emotion
* Openly and honestly discuss your anger when it’s appropriate
* Think about the consequences
* Take responsibility for your anger
* Change your environment and move from the source of your anger
* Change your negative thoughts into positive ones

At first, it’s hard to believe that our thinking is one main thing that can make us angry. However if you practice these tips, you will enhance your ability to diffuse anger and cope with it in healthy ways. You’re in charge and can deal with angry emotions. If you find it difficult seek help from a therapist.