We all know someone that seems to have extra hours in their day. They never seem to tire of showing up for people and go out of their way to make sure you know they have your back, but is that a good thing? Surely, we all need someone, or we ourselves have shown up for a friend in need. At what point does this behavior become problematic? There is a fine line between altruism and a trauma response. One may think they are providing an act of service, but does it prevent them from doing what they should be doing for themself? Individuals who were taught early in life that their value in this world is based on what they “do,” rather than who they are, often equate service to worthiness.  The longterm impact of overextending oneself, and not prioritizing their needs, can not only lead to resentment but physical illness due to suppression of what they know they shoud be doing, rather than what they are doing. It is never too late to examine behaviors and consider if they match the outcome you desire; if you need help doing this talk to a friend or a professional.