Creating Happiness to Decrease Stress II

Happiness can be described in many ways – pleasant emotions of contentment or joy, feeling positive about an outcome (happy about a good grade), or even absence from pain or boredom. A good general description of happiness is overall life satisfaction. Some...

The Ups and Downs of Coupledom

Every couple has their ups and downs, their successes and failures, their joys and sorrows. The good times can be exciting and even elating as we face joys together with a partner. Marriage, the birth of a child, new jobs, new homes, family vacations, and even just...

Experiential Avoidance Increases Anxiety and Depression

Human minds are prodigious problem-solving machines. When faced with a problem in the external world, a human mind will brainstorm, creating novel ideas and alternative solutions, review the ideas, select the one most likely to solve the problem and implement the...

Asking for What We Need to Reduce Stress

When we are experiencing heightened levels of stress, it is important to take care of ourselves. Often times, we have a support network that will assist us as well. Other times, we become frustrated with our support network for not meeting our needs. This may be our...