Nutritional Support in Your Recovery from Anxiety

A healthy diet, adequate sleep, and daily exercise are the building blocks of good health and well-being for everyone but are especially important in recovering from anxiety. Good nutrition is essential in supporting your new understanding about managing your anxiety...

Nutritional Support in Your Recovery from Anxiety

A healthy diet, adequate sleep, and daily exercise are the building blocks of good health and well-being for everyone but are especially important in recovering from anxiety. Good nutrition is essential in supporting your new understanding about managing your anxiety...

Managing Stress

Ways to Handle Stress We all experience stress from time to time whether it is from our jobs or just things that are going on in our daily lives. Stress is a state of mental tension that causes a person to worry that can lead to the development of anxiety....

Drugs/Alcohol Recovery Involves the Entire Family

Everyone in a family is impacted in some way if one family member has drug/alcohol problems. No matter how close or distant family relationships are, chemical dependency can disrupt a family’s balance and cause dysfunction.  The entire family can assist...

What is the Paleo diet?

There is a  clear connection between what we eat, how we feel and how well our bodies, brains and minds function. Nutritious whole foods including grass fed beef, free range organic poultry, clean fish (without metal contamination), a variety of organic fruits...

Finding Happiness

Happiness. Everybody wants it, many seek it, few find it. What will make you happy? A better job?  More money? Less arguing with your spouse? The approval of others?  A bigger house? Maybe all of these things would make you happy, but it’s more likely that...

Finding the Right Motivation

“Reach for your goals!”  “Go for it!”  “You can do it!”  We all know the mantra’s that we tell ourselves over and over again as we work towards a goal- whether it is finishing a paper, a class, graduating, working out, losing weight, buying a car, or...

The Microbiome and Mental Health

  It may be surprising to know that our bodies are host to trillions of tiny organisms that live both inside and outside our bodies. These small organisms are invisible to the naked eye and vastly outnumber the cells comprising our bodies. Weighing...

Finding Strength in Forgiveness

Forgiveness is difficult. From the driver who cuts you off in traffic to the spouse who has betrayed you, forgiveness is nearly impossible for some to achieve. Some might ask “Why should I forgive?” Some see forgiveness as a sign of weakness, of not being assertive...